

Whether you are new to Mountian View or have lived here for years, we are glad you found us.  We are a new church for the greater Mountain View area.  Mountain View has a unique feel and charm with a deep history.  Often hidden within the charm can be loneliness, hurt, pain, brokenness, and regret.
We care deeply about your story, identity, worth, and your mark in the grand story that God is writing.  Like you, we long for a space where we can belong and be known. That stuff isn't easy, but it is possible.

You may be looking for the right place to live out your faith. It is our prayer that you will encounter the love of Christ as you experience the life of our church.

Our church isn't flawless. We simply look to the flawless Savior who did for us what we could never do for ourselves. At the same time, Jesus meets us right where we are. So we believe we have been called to do the same; meet people where they are.  

We want to invite you on a journey of restoration, discipleship, and sending. Jesus restores, disciples, and sends...we want to see that in Mountain View. What could God do with a church focused on his presence in prayerful dependence that God would do something new in Mountain View, AR?

May God do exceedingly more than we could ask or think.

Grace and peace,
Pastor Jonathan
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We are so thankful to get to connect with you.  Please fill out this form and someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to starting the conversation. If you would like to email us, please contact us at