by Jonathan Johnson on June 25th, 2024
"God is not waiting on a future version of you to love." - Masson King____________________I came across a book this past week I am hoping is going to be compelling. It came recommend by someone I read on SubStack. To be honest, Amazon had it on sale so I snagged the Kindle version. I am a sucker for a deal, and anything on spiritual disciplines. The book is...Spiritual Disciplines: How to Become a...  Read More
Church on the Square
by Jonathan Johnson on April 3rd, 2024
This weekend will be really big for our community. Mountain View is expecting thousands of visitors for the eclipse. We have been invited to host, church on the square.  Here are the details...Church on the Squaredonuts & coffee @ 10:00Aworship starts @ 10:30A *bring your own lawn chair. - Parking may be difficult, so come early. ...  Read More
by Jonathan Johnson on March 9th, 2024
More than a story about a runaway prophet or tale about a whale, Jonah lets us in on the heart and the mission of God. We will discover that we are both on God’s mission and ARE God’s mission.Crawford Loritts says, “On our way to accomplishing something, God is making us someone.” That is the heart of the book of Jonah. God sends Jonah on a mission while shaping the heart of Jonah at the same time...  Read More
Share Your Story
by Jonathan Johnson on February 9th, 2024
“God breathes life into your story and gives purpose to our story.”- Aaron Johnson & Story ChurchOne of the most meaningful church names I know came from the heart of my older brother, Aaron Johnson. Aaron started Story Church on the tail end of the pandemic. Talk about paddling upstream. Despite obstacles along the way, they are impacting the greater NWA region with the gospel.Story Church has a ...  Read More
Forming Men
by Jonathan Johnson on February 4th, 2024
“Becoming a man doesn’t happen by accident. Men are formed.”- Forming MenAlmost daily, I say a specific prayer with my son. We call it the man prayer. This idea came from the book Church Planter where Darren Patrick shares a prayer he wrote for his son. So I decided to write our own.God, make me a man with thick skin and soft heart; thick skin to handle life, and a soft heart to handle people. Let...  Read More
by Jonathan Johnson on January 18th, 2024
"And he told them a parable to the effect that theyought to always pray and not lose heart." - Luke 18:1Then lifting up his hands he prayed, “Dear Father, we thankThee for what Thou art going to give us to eat.” - George MüllerGeorge Müller was a missionary in Bristol, England. He cared for more than 200,000 orphans over his lifetime. Müller was a man of prayer to the extent that he never asked fo...  Read More
21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
by Jonathan Johnson on December 28th, 2023
The way we start always matters.Since the beginning of our church, we have established that “prayer is our only method.” This means we are a “pray first” people. When we embark on a new journey, sense God leading, or are desperate for the move of God, prayer is our utmost priority.For this reason, in January, I am inviting Compass View to spend 21 days pressing into God’s presence through prayer a...  Read More
Make Room In The Waiting
by Jonathan Johnson on December 21st, 2023
MAKE ROOM IN THE WAITINGIt was a rather cold morning, but the sky was already turning blue as we drove into town for breakfast. I had slipped away with my son for our weekly man time, as Jack likes to call it. There we were with Bibles open and journals ready, his little fingers a touch greasy from the "candy bacon biscuit."  We read a few verses in Isaiah. Then Jack said with excitement in his vo...  Read More
Make Room
by Jonathan Johnson on November 30th, 2023
PREPARATIONEvery year we make room in our home for our Christmas tree.  This annual experience is preparation for the season.  It’s quite the event really.  We like to start by working together to get the house picked-up & clean.  Then we turn on a steller Christmas playlist to let joy fill the room.  I love watching our children decorate our house with smiles and laughter.The first arrival of Jes...  Read More
Week 2 - Sermon Recap
by Jonathan Johnson on October 19th, 2023
THE QUESTIONWhat should a disciple of Jesus do with his or her time?
We would probably come up with a pretty solid list if I had everyone post their answer.  The list would include something like...A disciple should read the Bible, pray, attend church, evangelize the lost, spend time with family, fast, have a daily quiet time, etc.I ask this question because it is very possible to be a disciple of...  Read More
by Jonathan Johnson on October 2nd, 2023
SUNDAY ANNOUNCEMENTSOCT 15  -  Serve Sunday | Worship @ the City Park AmphitheaterOCT 29  -  Student Sunday | Igniting a passion in the hearts of teenagers for the kingdom        -  Baptism Sunday | Interested in Baptism?  Fill out this form.SUNDAY TEAMSAs a mobile church, we set-up & tear-down our equipment every Sunday. We utilize an army of servants every week.  We would love to have you on a t...  Read More
Attached - Week 3
by Jonathan Johnson on September 20th, 2023
PRUNNING I was sitting on the typical church pew, listening to a youth pastor from Tulsa unfold the word of God.  Life had me at a crossroads.  At the time, I was sixteen years old in my junior year of high school.  By this point I had been a Christian for 5 years.  This youth pastor expressed to a group of teenagers how much Christ loved them, and of God's relentless pursuit of their lives.It was...  Read More