Forming Men

“Becoming a man doesn’t happen by accident. Men are formed.”
- Forming Men

Almost daily, I say a specific prayer with my son. We call it the man prayer. This idea came from the book Church Planter where Darren Patrick shares a prayer he wrote for his son. So I decided to write our own.

God, make me a man with thick skin and soft heart; thick skin to handle life, and a soft heart to handle people. Let this day be used for good and not evil, your glory and not ours. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, Oh LORD my rock and my redeemer. And God, make me like the kingfisher, let me never get up even when it's hard.

I share this prayer because it is my calling as a father to partner with God to form my son into a man. Our prayer is a request and a calling. We are asking God to form us.

Looking back, my father had the biggest impact on my life moving from boyhood to manhood. I am grateful my father instilled in me the confidence to tackle just about anything. Yet, most of all he modeled Christ-likeness, worship, prayer, and wisdom. He is a man who worships God.

I am still being formed. I desperately need the sharpening work of other men in my  life. Who helped form you? How are you being formed now?

Some men live their whole life without a model of Christ-likeness in their life. It doesn’t have to be that way.

I want to invite you to join me and other men on Feb 24 for a Men’s Breakfast. Come for the bacon and eggs, but expect more. It’s about FOOD, FAITH, & FELLOWSHIP…it’s about being men who are formed.

JOIN US SATURDAY, FEB 24. More details coming soon!

Jonathan Johnson

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