Share Your Story

“God breathes life into your story and gives purpose to our story.”
- Aaron Johnson & Story Church

One of the most meaningful church names I know came from the heart of my older brother, Aaron Johnson. Aaron started Story Church on the tail end of the pandemic. Talk about paddling upstream. Despite obstacles along the way, they are impacting the greater NWA region with the gospel.

Story Church has a very meaningful tagline.

“God breathes life into your story and gives purpose to our story.”

Those are words we need to hear. God breathes life into your story through the redeeming work of Jesus. The local church is shaped by the individual stories that become a collective story of God’s beautiful work of grace.

I believe Jesus’ story does reshape our story. The good news of the gospel changes everything. Like Lynn Cohick articulates, “Jesus’ story of incarnation, cross, resurrection, and glorification establishes that a believer’s past need not define his or her future — sins forgiven, fellowship with God restored.”

That’s what our current sermon series is all about. We want to hear our people share their story of redemption. How has Jesus reshaped your story?

I like this series for a few reasons.

We get to lean into what matters most. Always, in every way we must think people over programs. Every person's story matters more than we know.

Your Jesus story shines the spot light on the right person; Jesus. We are not the center of the story, but we are part of the story. At the center of the grand story of scripture is Jesus.

Hearing everyday people share their story sets the example for us to share our story. This is not just a powerful tool it is a powerful responsibility. A life lived on mission includes announcing the work of the gospel in your life.

My friend Tyler Godush shared something with me this week in a comment about our sermon series. Tyler said, “This morning I spent some time preparing for a message and testimony I’ll be sharing…I couldn’t help but to think of the series your folks are in now, “Share your story.” It’s the same God & Spirit in all of us. Scripture says we overcome by the blood of the lamb & the power of our testimony. What a powerful tool & responsibility the Lord has given us.”

Tyler is right. What a power tool and responsibility we have to share our story! Let’s make it happen Compass View.

Pastor Jonathan

Jonathan Johnson

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